Time Management


If you are a student-athlete struggling with time management this post is for you!

Time Management is the most important aspect of being a student-athlete. You've probably heard that a million times, whether it be from family, teachers, teammates, or coaches. However, that could not be more true. 


 There are plenty of ways to help manage time, and be the most effective student-athlete in the classroom and on the field. Solutions to time management often vary from person to person, but it is important you find your strategy as being a student-athlete without time management skills is nearly impossible! So remember to mange your time well in order to succeed as a student-athlete!

 A few strategies that have helped me are: making a calendar, doing my work as soon as I get it, and setting constant reminders in my phone! These are simple steps to help with time management, however I've noticed them to be quite effective and I hope they can help you!

Time Management


  1. Truly an important skill to learn and hone for post-graduation also! Great topic idea, and one that everyone can stand to brush up on!


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