The Three F's

Mistakes often take a toll on the way athletes perform, especially collegiate athletes. It is important to know why you made a mistake and how you can fix it. Yeah, your coach might yell at you but it all comes from a good place to make you better as an individual. There is no point to be scared to make a mistake, I was always told to make a mistake at 100% and make up for it. There is something to think about when you do make a mistake whether it be in a game or even just practice. Let's talk the three f's.

  • Fix it:
    • Learn from your mistake. Take what you did wrong and fix it to make you a better player. Why make a mistake if you're not going to learn from it.
  • Forget about it:
    • This is very important. Dwelling on a mistake will only make it worse. The more you think about it the more it will effect the way you play and you are more likely to make more mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes, forget about it.
  • Focus:
    • Re-focus yourself and get back to the mentality you ad before the mistake. Go back to a mental state that will help you perform better and avoid other mistakes.


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