Pre-Game Fear


Here's how to take control and perform your best:

Have you ever been overcome with some sort of stress, anxiety, or fear moments before a game? Let's be honest, if you do not feel a rush of nerves before each and every game, being an athlete probably isn't for you. That being said, the best athletes are the one's able to conquer those pre-game jitters in the best way possible. That is a very hard thing to do, rise above your game day fears, it is something I constantly struggle with. However, in my teams season opening banquet a few nights ago, I had the pleasure of listening to our guest speaker, LTC (ret) JC Glick. JC has served 11 tours in Afghanistan and has published 2 books on leadership. JC gave some great insight on how to conquer pre-game anxiety. The best way to conquer fear is with courage according to JC Glick. He also described his definition of courage which he believes is defined by action and trust. Action was described as just going out and doing what you need to do, just go out and do what you love, and the nerves will float away. Trust was described as having constant support and loyalty to your teammates, working everyday to better not yourself, but the team. JC passionately spoke to our team about how by doing what we love to do, playing the sport of lacrosse and having fun, along with trusting our own ability and the ability of every single one of our teammates, fear didn't stand a chance. So, if you are similar to myself and most other athletes and get overcome with fear, relax, it will be okay! Just trust yourself, trust your teammates, and have fun playing the sport you love, and you will succeed greatly. Action and trust build courage which will in turn help destroy your pre-game fears. Every one experiences pre-game jitters, and I just hope this helps you deal with them.


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