
What exactly being on a team and playing sports has taught me?

I have grown up playing sports for as long as I remember. In high school I played sports year round; soccer, basketball and lacrosse. I have learned many things in the 19 years I have been alive but I can proudly say that most of them are from sports and being part of a team. Without these teams and the lessons I have learned I wouldn't be half the person I am today. Here is a few things that travel teams, rec teams, high school teams, and my college sports career has taught me. First things first sports have taught me one very important thing: self care. I have learned how to take care of my body in order to keep myself healthy. It is very important for athletes to take care of themselves as far as hydrating, sleeping, eating, resting, and working out. I have learned when my body needs rest and when I need to work hard. I strongly believe this is an important thing to do throughout life.  Another thing I have learned is social skills. Playing on teams and being on a team ha

Effort Is The Most Important

Being a part of a team is one of the greatest honors anyone can be apart of. Whether its club for a small school or division one for Duke, being a part of a team is special. However, it is not just simply enough to go out an play with your friends. Effort is key. Your team must not simply go play, but they must go play with a purpose. This is a message that can translate on and off the field. Do not simply do something just to do it, do it to be the best! If you can inspire each one of your teammates to apply maximum effort to everything they do, success will be eminent. So yes, go have fun playing the sports you love with the people you love. But remember it all means nothing if you're not striving for greatness together, as a team, and that requires maximum effort from everyone. Effort is the most crucial component to success on and off the field because it something you as an individual have complete control over. Only YOU can control how hard you work, which ultimately dete

The Affect of a Strong Team Relationship

Of course, everyone likes to win. As the season goes on, you get tired and sometimes feel like you need a break from your teammates. It is easy to get frustrated when your team isn't doing well, but on the other hand winning can create something you never knew existing. Lately, my team has been rolling. We are on a win streak and just beat a ranked team. Part of this is the confidence we have in one another but more importantly, the bond we share. My team in high school and growing up was always close but not in the way my team here at Stevenson is. I share a relationship with these 30 girls that I never thought I would have. A year ago I would never have thought this is how my sophomore year would be. I strongly believe that the bond I share with my teammates has made us do something great and made us play the way we have been playing. The point I am trying to make is so; if your team is having trouble, focus on the bond that exists between your teammates. Having a strong relation

How To Deal With Minimal Playing Time

Being part of a team has been one of the greatest experiences of my life and I'm sure you can say the same thing! The concept of working together for a common goal, putting the organization above yourself and doing whatever is necessary to win is something that drives only the fiercest competitors. That being said, not everyone can be on that field or court at once. Sitting on the bunch is something every athlete has dealt with and had to overcome. Sitting on the bench feeling helpless as your team gets scored on or unimportant when your team does score can often deter athletes from the sport they love. It is brutal, a feeling I wish I never experienced yet have felt countless times. Sitting out defeats you and makes you want to quit, yet you cannot. Your teammates need you and you need them! No one gets better without practice, and even though you may not start in the games you make every starter better by giving your best effort every day against them in practice. Remember

How To Deal With an Injury

Injuries can be tough, that we all know. There is nothing worse than having to watch the people you love most go out and play the sport you love while you just have to sit an watch. Having two major knee surgeries already as a result of sports injuries, I wanted to share some tips that helped me stay positive and work to get back to being the best I could be.  The most important people to help get you through a tough injury are your teammates. It may stink having to watch them play every day, as you are eager to get back out there. However your teammates have your back more than anyone. They want you out there with them just as much as you wish you could be playing alongside them. Teammates provide endless support in times of trouble, I have experienced that first hand countless times. Let your teammates be there for you and let them help you get better. When you are injured your teammates pray to see you healthy again, so embrace their support and remain positive through standing wi

The Three F's

Mistakes often take a toll on the way athletes perform, especially collegiate athletes. It is important to know why you made a mistake and how you can fix it. Yeah, your coach might yell at you but it all comes from a good place to make you better as an individual. There is no point to be scared to make a mistake, I was always told to make a mistake at 100% and make up for it. There is something to think about when you do make a mistake whether it be in a game or even just practice. Let's talk the three f's. Fix it: Learn from your mistake. Take what you did wrong and fix it to make you a better player. Why make a mistake if you're not going to learn from it. Forget about it: This is very important. Dwelling on a mistake will only make it worse. The more you think about it the more it will effect the way you play and you are more likely to make more mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes, forget about it. Focus: Re-focus yourself and get back to the mentality you ad

Taking Care Of Your Body

As the summer months approach and temperatures rise, it is crucial to take care of your bodies. Being a student-athlete is already a grind as it is, so do not let yourself become dehydrated, over-exhausted, or weak. SLEEP! Sleep is one of the most important parts of being a student-athlete. Your body recovers most when you sleep and it is crucial to get that recovery! That extra game of Blackout or Fortnite might sound fun in the moment, but in the morning when you wake up extra sore, you will regret that sleep. Sleep is vital to recovery, remember that! EAT. As the temperature rises, your body begins to sweat more. This causes the body to lose weight more easily. It is key not to lose weight throughout these warm months, and one key way to fight it is to eat! Whether in season or out of season, one of the worst things you can do is to skip meals or eat too little. So get your calories in and make sure to never skip a meal! HYDRATE! HYDRATE! HYDRATE! Hydration is one of the