What exactly being on a team and playing sports has taught me?

I have grown up playing sports for as long as I remember. In high school I played sports year round; soccer, basketball and lacrosse. I have learned many things in the 19 years I have been alive but I can proudly say that most of them are from sports and being part of a team. Without these teams and the lessons I have learned I wouldn't be half the person I am today. Here is a few things that travel teams, rec teams, high school teams, and my college sports career has taught me.

  • First things first sports have taught me one very important thing: self care. I have learned how to take care of my body in order to keep myself healthy. It is very important for athletes to take care of themselves as far as hydrating, sleeping, eating, resting, and working out. I have learned when my body needs rest and when I need to work hard. I strongly believe this is an important thing to do throughout life. 
  • Another thing I have learned is social skills. Playing on teams and being on a team has taught me how to interact with others even adults. I have learned to respect others whether they are my age or older than me like my coaches. I tend to think that I have an outgoing personality and I think a lot of that and my social skills has come from playing on teams.
  • Not only has playing on a team taught me social skills but friendships as well. All my life most (not all but most) of my best friends have been my teammates. Of course there will always be people on my team that I am closer with than others but I can easily say that I would do anything for any teammate (past or present) I have ever had. there is no doubt in my mind that they wouldn't do the same for me. The teams I have been a part of has brought me many of the greatest people I will ever have in my life. The memories all these teammates, coaches, and sports taught me will never be forgotten and I cannot wait for more to come. I think that this is the most important thing I have learned from playing sports.
  • Lastly, sports and sports teams have taught me something I will remember forever, hard work. I have learned how important my work ethic is. I will always remember something my dad told me, "no matter how talented you are it means nothing without hard work". I love hearing this. You can be the most talented teammate but without hard work that talent goes to waste. Hard work and having a good work ethic in sports will translate to your future when you have a real job. A strong work ethic is something that all bosses look for while hiring employees. Hard work is something I will never give up and I am proud to honor the code for the rest of my future. 
Sometimes it is good to take a step back and look at everything your sport career has taught you. These are things that I will hold close to me forever and will never slip my mind in everything I do. 


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