The Affect of a Strong Team Relationship

Of course, everyone likes to win. As the season goes on, you get tired and sometimes feel like you need a break from your teammates. It is easy to get frustrated when your team isn't doing well, but on the other hand winning can create something you never knew existing. Lately, my team has been rolling. We are on a win streak and just beat a ranked team. Part of this is the confidence we have in one another but more importantly, the bond we share. My team in high school and growing up was always close but not in the way my team here at Stevenson is. I share a relationship with these 30 girls that I never thought I would have. A year ago I would never have thought this is how my sophomore year would be. I strongly believe that the bond I share with my teammates has made us do something great and made us play the way we have been playing. The point I am trying to make is so; if your team is having trouble, focus on the bond that exists between your teammates. Having a strong relationship can make or break the team. They should not only be your teammates but your best friends as well. 
Stevenson Lacrosse team


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