Managing School, Sports, and Social Life

As a student athlete it seems like all of our time goes to school and sports. Although that seems normal, it's not. Having a social life in college is very important. Most student athletes can agree with me when I say that a majority of their college friends are people from their team.
Here are a few tips to help that:

  • As important it is to have a good relationship with your teammates, it is just as important to have friends outside of your team. 
  • As an athlete you spend a lot of time with your team day in and day out. In order for you to keep your healthy relationship with them, it is understandable that sometimes you just need a break from them. 
  • Go to campus events, parties, and other sporting events to make other friends. 
  • Take a day off from studying and go hang out with your neighbors on your floor or your significant other. 
  • To keep a balance between school, sports, and a social life you should try to branch out and find more people to hang out with.
Remember: The more friends the merrier!



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