Dealing With Losing a Tough Game


It's okay, we can all admit it, no one really likes to lose. However, it is how you cope with that loss which provides future sucess.

Dealing with a loss is often tough, emotions are flared, tensions run high, and if you are traveling, the bus ride back is a nightmare.

The best athletes face a loss head on, they move on and are ready for the next game. How do they go about doing this? They know their worth.

If you know your worth and what you are capable of as an athlete, nothing can stop you. You view that loss as a set back, but you never give up. The athlete who knows what they are capable of and that trusts themselves is always ready for the next battle, allowing them to get over a loss.

You MUST trust yourself! By trusting yourself you can move on from any loss. Losing stinks, but do not let it get you down, but instead remember the pain and trust yourself to never let it happen to you again.


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